Say It Like
You Mean It!


Show off your acting skills, win a prize, and have your monologue showcased to our amazing clients

Say It Like You Mean It


How It Works

Choose your monologue from our three options — Each option is written for a specific age group, all you need to do is pick the one according to your age!

Record your monologue — Practice and record your monologue as many times as you like until you know it’s absolutely perfect!

Send it to Bubblegum Casting — Once we have received all entries to the contest, we’ll gather the team at Bubblegum HQ and have a good old fashioned watch party to choose the winners!

kids monologue
prizes to win with Coles GC

What you could win

Each talented winner of the Say It Like You Mean It Monologue Contest will receive:

★ $100 Coles Gift Card

★ Monologue Showcase Presentation to Key Bubblegum Clients

Now we know for sure that you may have your eye on that Coles gift card (they have awesome stuff), but hey, it’s that showcase that you should be really excited about.

The lucky winners of this contest will have their monologues showcased to Bubblegum’s top clients, and you know what that means, right? Casting directors and decision makers who work for major global brands and production companies will see your monologue in all its glory! 

Imagine that — people who have hired and worked with the biggest names in the business will be watching your monologue performance based on our recommendation. Trust us, aside from auditioning for a major role, it doesn’t get much better than this.

The Monologues

Below are the three monologues that you can choose from according to your age. It’s super important that you perform the monologue for your age group. This makes it a much fairer contest with everyone in each age group working on the same piece.

Monologues for Kids Aged 5-9 years

Synopsis: Our Hero’s is playing hide and seek with a bunch of boys and can’t find anybody.


Hey! Where did everybody go? I give up! I counted to a hundred, like you said. It took a really long time. Where is everybody? I said I give up! I can’t find you!

I’ve been looking for ages. Can anybody hear me? This isn’t funny any more, you guys. Come out, come out, wherever you are! Come on, guys. Let’s play a different game! We could play tag outside? Or maybe we could have a snack and play video games? I’ll let you guys play first! I promise! Just come out. I can’t find you, OK? I give up. What more do you want from me? Guys? Hey, guys?

Synopsis: Our Hero’s is playing hide and seek with a bunch of boys and can’t find anybody.


Hey! Where did everybody go? I give up! I counted to a hundred, like you said. It took a really long time. Where is everybody? I said I give up! I can’t find you!

I’ve been looking for ages. Can anybody hear me? This isn’t funny any more, you guys. Come out, come out, wherever you are! Come on, guys. Let’s play a different game! We could play tag outside? Or maybe we could have a snack and play video games? I’ll let you guys play first! I promise! Just come out. I can’t find you, OK? I give up. What more do you want from me? Guys? Hey, guys?

Monologues for Kids Aged 10-13 years

Synopsis: Our Hero’s is explaining to her friends why they need to watch a scary movie during their sleepover


Okay, I get it. It’s not Halloween, but hear me out. Every single time we sit down to watch a movie, you guys just want to watch comedies and old cartoons. Yeah, those movies are great and we always have a good time, but let’s do something different for a change. Let’s watch a scary movie. 

Scary movies are the best. If you pick the right one, you’ve got a bit of comedy and lots of jump scares. What are jump scares? You know those moments in the movie when the tension is building and then… Bam! A big scare that makes you jump off your seat. That’s a jump scare. I love that feeling and it’s so much more fun when there are a few of you watching the movie together. That’s because sure, you might be really scared, but you’re all scared together. 

I don’t know about you, but if I watch another reboot of an old classic kids movie I just might die of boredom. So what do you think? Scary movie night?

Synopsis: Our Hero’s is explaining to her friends why they need to watch a scary movie during their sleepover


Okay, I get it. It’s not Halloween, but hear me out. Every single time we sit down to watch a movie, you guys just want to watch comedies and old cartoons. Yeah, those movies are great and we always have a good time, but let’s do something different for a change. Let’s watch a scary movie. 

Scary movies are the best. If you pick the right one, you’ve got a bit of comedy and lots of jump scares. What are jump scares? You know those moments in the movie when the tension is building and then… Bam! A big scare that makes you jump off your seat. That’s a jump scare. I love that feeling and it’s so much more fun when there are a few of you watching the movie together. That’s because sure, you might be really scared, but you’re all scared together. 

I don’t know about you, but if I watch another reboot of an old classic kids movie I just might die of boredom. So what do you think? Scary movie night?

Monologues for Teens Aged 14-17 years

Synopsis: Our Hero’s siblings are not helping clean the kitchen before their parents get home. 


Come on you guys, it’s getting late and mom and dad will be back real soon. Listen, you decided you wanted to bake and I said ‘fine, as long as you clean up afterwards’ and you both said ‘sure thing, no problem, yes siree!’

I even told you not to use the electric mixer so you don’t need to wash so much stuff and… wait, is that egg on the floor? Did one of you walk in it? Oh no, it’s all over the place . Were you in the living room on the carpet?

Look, I have a big test tomorrow and I need to study. I don’t have time to clear up after you guys and mom and dad will be so angry if they see the new carpet is messed up. You both promised me that you wouldn’t get me in trouble again after what happened last time. 

I can’t get grounded again. The end of term party is this weekend and I don’t want to miss it because my stupid little brothers wouldn’t clean up their own mess. 

Forget it, I’ll just do it myself, but I’m telling mom and dad that it was you that almost ruined the carpet.

Synopsis: Our Hero’s siblings are not helping clean the kitchen before their parents get home. 


Come on you guys, it’s getting late and mom and dad will be back real soon. Listen, you decided you wanted to bake and I said ‘fine, as long as you clean up afterwards’ and you both said ‘sure thing, no problem, yes siree!’

I even told you not to use the electric mixer so you don’t need to wash so much stuff and… wait, is that egg on the floor? Did one of you walk in it? Oh no, it’s all over the place . Were you in the living room on the carpet?

Look, I have a big test tomorrow and I need to study. I don’t have time to clear up after you guys and mom and dad will be so angry if they see the new carpet is messed up. You both promised me that you wouldn’t get me in trouble again after what happened last time. 

I can’t get grounded again. The end of term party is this weekend and I don’t want to miss it because my stupid little brothers wouldn’t clean up their own mess. 

Forget it, I’ll just do it myself, but I’m telling mom and dad that it was you that almost ruined the carpet.

Synopsis: Our Hero’s siblings are not helping clean the kitchen before their parents get home. 


Come on you guys, it’s getting late and mom and dad will be back real soon. Listen, you decided you wanted to bake and I said ‘fine, as long as you clean up afterwards’ and you both said ‘sure thing, no problem, yes siree!’

I even told you not to use the electric mixer so you don’t need to wash so much stuff and… wait, is that egg on the floor? Did one of you walk in it? Oh no, it’s all over the place . Were you in the living room on the carpet?

Look, I have a big test tomorrow and I need to study. I don’t have time to clear up after you guys and mom and dad will be so angry if they see the new carpet is messed up. You both promised me that you wouldn’t get me in trouble again after what happened last time. 

I can’t get grounded again. The end of term party is this weekend and I don’t want to miss it because my stupid little brothers wouldn’t clean up their own mess. 

Forget it, I’ll just do it myself, but I’m telling mom and dad that it was you that almost ruined the carpet.

How to Enter

Any aspiring young actor can enter the Say It Like You Mean It Monologue Contest before [DATE]. All we ask if that you are Aged 5 to 17 & Passionate about acting. That’s it!

We’re all about inclusiveness so this contest is open to pretty much anyone that wants to enter! So if you’re an aspiring actor who wants a chance to impress casting directors (and snag that Coles Gift Card), then what are you waiting for?

Choose from one of our three specially chosen monologues above. There is no ‘right’ choice, just choose the one that you know you can perform really well!

Practice and record your monologue as many times as you like until you know it’s absolutely perfect!

Everyone LOVES a blooper and we want to see yours!
Send us your funniest outtakes — the sillier, the better — and we’ll compile them into a blooper reel just for giggles.

Send it to Bubblegum Casting — Once we have received all entries to the contest, we’ll gather the team at Bubblegum HQ and have a good old fashioned watch party to choose the winners!


All entries to the Say It Like You Mean It Monologue Contest must be sent in no later than [closing date and time]. Any late entries will not be considered for the $100 Coles Gift Card or the Monologue Showcase. There’s no time to waste, pick your monologue and get practicing. We want to see your Oscar-worthy performance before the closing date!

Get Inspired

Check out these acting guides to help you craft that Oscar-worthy performance.

Guide to Getting into Character
Guide to Understanding Acting Techniques


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